Hello lovies!Im very very very sorry!I cant show you many new hair by Truth and new skins and shapes by Tik Tok. Internet Hates me!!!!!!I have flickr upload issues and cant upload any pic here to this blog.I everytime lose my internet connection(I dream and i hope that i will show you all these on monday.My internet provider promised that inet will work.i try to believe.so you can visit www.truth-hawks.com to see his pretty hairstyles.4 for this week. And visit Tik tok,just press logo on the left side of the page.you can try your free demos of new Juicy skin line and 4 new shapes.one for Juicy and 3 in shape room.LOL.im bad blogger.I realy sorry,I wish i could put here my pics,but but.....ok)see you on monday!Have great internet connection!Love you all!
4 hours ago